Which Alcohol Category Did Turkish Social Media Prefer During 2019?

During 2019, Rakı drinkers had the highest mindshare with 51,03%. Beer (26,99%) had the second highest mindshare, followed by Whisky (5%).

eBrandValue Marketing Operations
eBrandValue Marketing Operations
Déc 30, 2019
Which Alcohol Category Did Turkish Social Media Prefer During 2019?

2019's most preferred alcohol category

Throughout 2019, among the social media authors who produced Turkish-language contents in the Alcohol industry, these categories were mentioned the most: 

Rakı - 51,03%

Beer - 26,99%

Whisky - 5,00%

Vodka - 3,15%

Tequila - 1,14%

Liquor - 0,50%

Gin - 0,27%

Rum - 0,20%

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