To learn more about eBrandValue Platform, and how such metrics influence brand value, contact us using the form below.
eBrandValue Blog
Since there is Covid-19, it is significant for people to pay attention to their health. So, pandemic pushes people to buy healthy products and feel healthy.
To learn more about eBrandValue Platform, and how such metrics influence brand value, contact us using the form below.
We are excited to offer this new feature to our clients and help them achieve better results with their marketing campaigns. To learn more about Author Enrichment, please contact us or schedule a demo.
We have asked some of the pressing questions to ChatGPT such as realtime brand management, ideal campaign creation with a specific example using an iconic beer brand. Below are the questions and an impressive set of answers. We are glad to learn that ChatGPT does not have access to our algorithms!
In the age of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and chatGPT-like technologies, companies need new business models to generate and incorporate fast-cycle intelligence.
Not the mathematics but the applications are wrong. "Promise-high-deliver-low" experiences provide ammunition for the data-science skeptics in social sciences.
Alcohol and music, two companions that complement each other...
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Parlez-nous un peu de vous, et nous serons heureux de partager avec vous certains résultats éprouvés, utilisés par des marques comptant parmi les plus importantes au monde.