Alcohol and music, two companions that complement each other...
During 2019, Spotify users had the highest mindshare with 38,07%. Tiktok (31,39%) had the second highest mindshare, followed by Youtube(28,20%).
Last week, Spotify released a new feature showing which songs/playlists users most frequently listened to during 2019, accompanied by the hashtag #spotifywrapped. Following an analysis of social media contents related to the Turkish digital music industry, we determined that the highest mindshare belonged to the Turkish rapper Sagopa Kajmer, followed by Ezhel and Emir Can İğrek.
Beer drinking content creators prefer to listen to Reynmen the most. Reynmen is followed by authors who prefer to listen to Müslüm Gürses, Şebnem Ferah, Melek Mosso and Ezhel.
Rakı drinking content creators prefer to listen to Arabesque music the most. Arabesque music is followed by authors who prefer to listen to rock music, Turkish classical music, pop music and folk music.
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