eBrandValue Blog | Break-through analysis

Customer Attention Shifts and Miller Brand Affinity Switchings

Capturing the Shifts in Customer Attention Through Brand Affinity Switchings

Attracting Attention is an elusive yet a must-have for any brand to make an impact. eBrandValue's metrics capture the shifts in customer attention based on a novel approach that is deeply grounded in the consumer behavior model. eBrandValue's time-tested metrics are also proven to be leading indicators for sales. Increasingly, eBrandValue's metrics and its suite of branding approaches are becoming the new standard for modern brand management practices. At the heart of the eBrandValue's methodology lies brand affinity tracking. Brand affinity switchings tell you why and how your customers are defecting to competitors and whether your new customer acquisition efforts are paying off.

Tolga Akçura
Tolga Akçura
Oct 5, 2020

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