Donation Conversations in Banking

With eBrandValue's attention based algorithm it is possible to examine and evaluate different topics like donation contents, whether these contents bring people closer to the brand and also determine real time gains and losses from competing brands and take action accordingly.

eBrandValue Marketing Operations
eBrandValue Marketing Operations
Jui 2, 2022
Donation Conversations in Banking

Banks are continuing to make life easier with innovations that shorten transfer transactions. When it comes to money transfer, donation contents on social media platforms raises attention. As the contents produced by those in need or those who want to collect financial supports increase, the volume of the conversations in the banking sector also increase.

When the donation contents are examined pediatric diseases and aid to animals stand out.

With eBrandValue's attention based algorithm it is possible to examine and evaluate different topics like donation contents, whether these contents bring people closer to the brand and also determine real time gains and losses from competing brands and take action accordingly.

There are 1M contents shared with account numbers from 2021 to date. In 2022 approximately 300K contents were produced. When the contents are examined Ziraat Bank is the most talked about bank, followed by Halkbank and Vakıfbank.

The distribution of the banks' donation contents can be observed from the chart above.

Majority of the conversations (81.5%) are on Twitter platform. The momentum in 2021 has not yet been reached.

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